About Us

Your Happy Place

Let's Talk about Backyard Scrappers

Set in a tranquil garden in “Crooked Cottage” in a large farm-like garden with geese, chickens, dogs, miniature horses and anything else needing a home, we offer scrapbooking classes as well as mini album classes and kit “bundles”, card-making and general paper crafting to the young and old.

Established in October 2012, Backyard Scrappers is owned by sisters, Sandi and Alison. Sandi is hands on in the shop and will gladly assist you with your crafting needs.

We strive to be the best that we can possibly be, offering tips and support to the beginner scrapper as well as the more advanced scrapper.

Our aim is to bring beautiful scrapping goodies to you at affordable prices. We look forward to welcoming you warmly to our scrapbooking shop. If you can’t find what you are looking for, we will gladly source it for you if we can.

About Sandi

After leaving school all those years ago, I studied teaching at Edgewood College of Education and qualified as a teacher in 1989. I furthered my teaching qualifications adding a remedial diploma to my qualifications in 2008.

I started scrapping in either 1999 or 2000 (I can’t quite remember) after being given a “class” by my sister Alison as a Christmas gift. I didn’t really enjoy that class as it was far too prescriptive for me but definitely loved the whole process of preserving memories. Ali had given me a few bits and bobs as part of my gift and that was definitely the start of my obsession with scrapping supplies – you know, needs and wants, these supplies became needs!  I continued to gather precious treasures over the next few years until my spare room looked a bit like a craft store. In 2012, the chance to open a “Backyard Scrappers” emerged and I jumped at it with both hands. I was still running my other business (a remedial reading centre) and continued to do both until my husband retired in 2014. I sold my reading centre in January 2015 and Backyard Scrappers became my sole “baby”.

I love scrapbooking but mini album making is my absolute passion. I taught my first mini album class in 2012. I love how it combines my passion for creating with my passion for teaching.

During the Covid_19 pandemic, I have taken my mini album making online and now offer mini album classes via Zoom on a regular basis as well as mini album “bundles” to those wanting to create their own at home.